
Bike Tire Patches

How Long Bike Tire Patches Last? (And When to Toss the Tube)

A good bike tire patch, when applied right, can last just as long as the tube. Seriously, a well-prepped and properly stuck patch can give you confidence on your rides. On the flip side, those pre-glued patches? They don’t last as long—maybe just a few months. So, when should you throw out that patched tube?

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26 Inch Bike - Personal Size measurement get your perfect fit bike

26 Inch Bike – A Size Guide for the Perfect Fit

When people mention a 26-inch bike, they’re talking about the wheel diameter. Just the rim, not including the tire. These bikes typically suit people between 4’8” and 5’3” tall. While 26-inch wheels were once the mountain biking gold standard, they’ve been mostly replaced by 27.5” and 29” wheels for better performance. But don’t count them

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10 Indicators Your Bike May Be Oversized

10 Signs Your Bike is Too Big (How to Tell)

Proper bike fit is crucial for comfort, performance, and safety in cycling. Many cyclists underestimate its importance, but it can significantly impact your potential. A well-fitted bike enhances comfort and allows for faster, more efficient rides. Here are some signs that your bike might not fit correctly and what you can do to fix it.

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Cyclocross vs gravel bikes

Cyclocross vs. Gravel Bikes – What’s the Difference?

So, you’re eyeballing a new bike, and you’re stuck between a cyclocross and a gravel bike. Maybe you’ve heard the terms tossed around in your local bike shop, or perhaps a buddy of yours swears by one and looks down on the other. Well, sit tight, because I’m going to break down the key differences,

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