Marija Jovanovic


How Fast Can A Dirt Bike Go? – Difference in 13 Engine Sizes

Dirt bikes, those nimble, two-wheeled beasts of the off-road world, are as versatile as they are exhilarating. Typically, they’re equipped with engines no larger than 125cc, and come in a variety of styles to suit all riders, regardless of gender. Now, you might be wondering, ‘Just how fast can a dirt bike go?’ Well, that’s

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26 Inch Bike - Personal Size measurement get your perfect fit bike

26 Inch Bike – A Size Guide for the Perfect Fit

When people mention a 26-inch bike, they’re talking about the wheel diameter. Just the rim, not including the tire. These bikes typically suit people between 4’8” and 5’3” tall. While 26-inch wheels were once the mountain biking gold standard, they’ve been mostly replaced by 27.5” and 29” wheels for better performance. But don’t count them

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